Import AI

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Import AI 309: Generative bias; BLOOM isn't great; how China and Russia use AI

If we wanted to make the next five years of AI development go well, what would be the three most important things to work on, and what should be deprioritized? View this email in your browser Welcome
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Import AI 308: Recursively self-improving LMs (!!!), 3.1TB of code data; DALL-E2 makes alien errors

Honestly, these days I feel pretty confused about AI. AI progress is happening at such an astounding rate I find myself asking 'why isn't basically everyone working on this?'. I don't
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Import AI 307: Copilot lawsuit; Stability raises $101m; US v China CHIPLOMACY

If all AI research stopped today (but engineering and improvement of existing systems continued), then how would the world look in a decade? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a
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Import AI 306: Language models learn about the world via MuJoCo; Amazon releases a big Q&A dataset; and DeepMind tests out multimodal systems

In the same way dogs and whales are alien intelligences with respect to humans, how 'alien' might AI seem to us? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about
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Import AI 305: GPT3 can simulate real people; AI discovers better matrix multiplication; Microsoft worries about next-gen deepfakes

If I can be simulated by GPT3, then will a larger LM simulate me better than myself? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence. Forward this email
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Import AI 304: Reality collapse thanks to Facebook; open source speech rec; AI culture wars.

Are the culture wars we're experiencing in the AI industry similar to those which occurred at the beginning of the rail and oil industries, or are these culture wars radically different? View this
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Import AI 303: Adversarial examples for language models; Censorship vs 'Safety'; free image classification from the StableDiffusion people

How many empires will be built with AI as the fundamental input resource? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence. Forward this email to give
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Import AI 302: Fictional AI labs and AI theft; Google makes an audio model by training like a language model.

What predictions about future AI progress are most likely to be wrong? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence. Forward this email to give your
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Import AI 301: StableDiffusion; CHIPXODUS; Microsoft makes a big bet on pre-training

What kind of values might the Egyptians and Romans and Aztecs encoded into their AI systems, if they had the chance to build them? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter
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Import AI 300: Google's Bitter Lesson; DOOM AGI; DALL-E's open source competition StableDiffusion

Once AI systems can retrieve from external knowledge bases, they will become true cyberlibrarians View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence.
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Import AI 299: The world's best language model is Made in China; NVIDIA boosts LLM training; OpenAI shows how to 'fill in the middle' on a LM

What will be the first new thing a superintelligence will invent? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence. Forward this email to give your chums
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Import AI 298: Mimetic models; LLM search engine raises $25m; UK splits from Europe on AI regulation

How many parameters will be tunable in the 'default settings' of a superintelligence? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence. Forward
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Import AI 297: Ukrainians add object detection to killer drones; YOLOv7; and a $71,000 AI audit competition

In the same way humans have a notion of the aesthetics of abstract sciences, like theoretical physics or advanced mathematics, might computers develop notions of 'beauty' at even higher levels
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Import AI 296: $100k to find flaws in LLMs, NVIDIA uses RL to make better chip parts; + 256gb of law data, and a story about the cyber gerontocracy!

Will we ever have 'old growth' computers in the way we have 'old growth' forests today. In the same way there are mainframes that have been running (albeit with parts swapped out and
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Import AI 295: DeepMind's baby general agent; NVIDIA simulates a robot factory; AI wars.

If it is possible to develop human-level AI, at one point will we make the first AI magician that perplexes even the most accomplished human magician? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import
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Import AI 294: China makes a vast facial recognition dataset; Facebook releases a 30bn parameter model; real world RL

If an AI designed the world we lived within, would we know? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence. Forward this email to give your chums an AI
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Import AI 293: Generative humans; few shot learning comes for vision-text models; and another new AI startup is born

How will fashion be influenced by the aesthetics of early AI generation technology? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence. Forward this email
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Import AI 292: AI makes low-carbon concrete; weaponized NLP; and a neuro-symbolic language model

Will sentient machines treat old software like human archaeologists treat ancient ruins? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial intelligence. Forward this
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Import AI 291: Google trains the world's biggest language model; how robots can be smarter about the world; Conjecture, a new AI alignment company

Humans tell lots of stories about our ancestors - the things we came from, but which are not strictly human. How might machines talk about their own ancestors? View this email in your browser Welcome
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Import AI 290: China plans massive models; DeepMind makes a smaller and smarter model; open source CLIP data

If it's possible to build artificial general intelligence, how many people will be required to build it? View this email in your browser Welcome to Import AI, a newsletter about artificial